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How to use?#

Prepare rosbag data#


Currently, some limitations are exists. rosbag2 should be mcap format. only zstd message compression supports.

Use rosbag as dataset#

Rosbag includes multimodal data, such as image/pointcloud/audio/etc... So, you need to describe what data you want to extract from rosbag. In order to specify this, write yaml setting file.

If you want to know wahat types of task amber supports, please check below.

Name Image 2D Annotation PointCloud
ImagesDataset ✔️
ImagesAndAnnotation ✔️ ✔️
PointCLoudsDataset ✔️

Sampling data from dataset.#

The rosbags record a variety of time series data, but when inputting this data into machine learning, you may want to sample based on conditions rather than inputting everything.
Amber implements samplers for rosbags to make it easier to perform time series processing.

Currently, only timestamp sampler supports.
If you want to know details, see documentation.